Sunny-field's Book shelf

Sunny-field's Book shelf
It grows with your feed :-)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A post from Ryota

I picked picture.

A post from Tadashi

Hi everyone. I'm Tadashi.

I picked up this article.

 Question is

How much do you drink sodas in one week?
Do you mind a calorie at eating time?
What kind of physical effect dose this contest have?
What is the problem by taking too much calories?
What kind of mental effect dose this contest have?

Monday, December 10, 2012

A post from Ryo.

Hello. I`m ryo. I picked up this article. Question is 1,what should be given people who drink energy drinks? 2,do you drink energy drink before exam? sorry.I sending late.

A post from AI

Hello,This is AI.
I picked up this article.

Q1 How do you think that  many stores started to sell event goods very early ?
Q2 When do you  buy event goods?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A post from Ryota

Hello. I'm sorry.I'm late.

I picked article.

Question is
1.Why do you think smoking is spreading in many poor countries?
2.Do you smoke when we are twenty years old? And why?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Wishing Wall

Hi everyone. I set up Christmas Wishing Wall for us to share.
Please go and write your wish on the wall :-) And I wish your wish would be granted!

Monday, November 26, 2012

A post from RYO.

Hello. I`m RYO. I picked up this article. and question is 1:It is necessary why to carry out election in emergency? 2:If you damage by suprestorm,do you go to polling stations?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A post from AI


I'm sorry,I'm late.
I pick up this book!

Please read and think an answer.

Can you work in the house like Katya?
Why was Ivanka frozen up by Snow King?


Monday, November 19, 2012

A post from Arika

I am Arika.
I am late.

I picked up this article.

Quetion is

 Why experts do not give their children a smartphone?

 Do you agree that the child has a cell phone? Why is that?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A post from Tadashi

Hello. I'm Tadashi.
I pick up this article.

Question is
1.What happened by the success of the China's economy?
2.What is the thing necessary to drive economy of China?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A post from Ryota.

It is Ryota.sorry,I'm very late...

I picked this story.

Quetion is

How do you think that vote in the American nation? (For example, in net.)
How many "superstorm" think it to come to the US in a year?

Monday, November 12, 2012

A post from ryo.

Hello. I’m Ryo. I pick up this article. 

And question is What's American people doing in case of earthquake? If an earthquake happens, what do you do?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Racism in British schools

good topic to think about especially for us, Japanese. Because we tend to forget that we are dominant race in this country and racism is tend to be unnoticed.

Please think about it and let me know how you would feel if you are ignored or bullied because of your race.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This week's article

Hi all, this is from Ai. Please read and print it out!

Oh, Autumn

Oh, Autumn,
the season of richness
the colorful crib
for the passing fancy
Let us dream with your lullaby

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Oh, September!

Hi all,

We are about to start our regular classes from next week! I had such a busy and productive summer this year. These are what I have done:

1 Writing 2 books to publish. Hopefully they will be published by Oct. or Nov. this year.
2 Started teaching At Tokyo Kids Club in Hiroo. Such a posh place to work at.
3 Completed the first module of my Master's course.
4 Read a book, The gift of imperfect. One of the most inspiring books I have ever read.
5 Read and wrote for a few weeks for summer reading.

I am quite happy with the results. Summer is usually a study time for me. I take workshops or lectures.
Instead of doing that, I did productive works this summer except reading the book I wanted to read for a while. I had a lot of fun writing and would love to keep this blog going with you all.

From next week, we will go back to the usual read& discuss routine with some interesting articles we find. How about commenting on the article posted on this blog as homework?

As you know, I don't take no for an answer!! lol

Anyway, please think tell me what you have done for this summer in the next class.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last one!

Hi everyone! This is the last one :-) Please read all of them and send me three articles that you would like to read by tomorrow. I will see you on Monday! I will let you know which one we will read on Monday morning.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Reading 14: Olympics closing

Olympics when most of people become a instant nationalist or a sport fan. What can we learn from it?
London Olympics was to inspire a generation. Have you been inspired? How?

Summer Reading 13 : Lottery

"What if? " is a question that I try not to ask myself because it is waste of time. But sometimes I can't help dreaming about things...
Well, what if you won a lottery?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer Reading 12:Wealth & Poverty
"Poverty in urban area" causes social issues. How can we overcome such a dilemma? It is good to pursue better life but how can we make better and more comfortable lives fairly for every one ?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer Reading 11: Memorial

In case you don't know or forgot her story.

One Thousand Paper Cranes for Peace: The Story of Sadako Sasaki

Thanks to one young Japanese girl, Sadako Sasaki and one thousand paper cranes, millions of people around the world are coming together in peace. Here is her story.

Sadako sasaki statue

Share this story

In my dream, Sadako says to me, “Leave it to me, mom” and I wake up calling, “Sadako!”
Then I realize it was a dream and I wonder how she is. For a while, I’m lost in my sad thoughts and join my hands in prayer before the tablet of the deceased.
On August 6th, 1945, World War II’s Allied forces dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In an instant, the city was obliterated. When the dust had cleared, people’s shadows remained frozen in place on sidewalks and the sides of buildings. The people themselves simply vanished. On that tragic day, 140,000 civilians were killed.
The Sasaki family lived one mile from the spot where the bomb went off. The couple and their two-year-old daughter, Sadako, managed to survive the nuclear attack, though soon after the explosion, thick black clouds of radioactive soot and dust began to fall like snow. Though the family tried to protect themselves, they could not avoid breathing the contaminated air.
As time went on, the young family tried to rebuild their damaged lives. The war had ended; they could put it behind them. The Sasakis had three more children, though Sadako was always her mother’s favorite: “She was so considerate and thoughtful that I relied on her,” she wrote. As Sadako grew older, she became a strong, healthy, athletic young woman – she was the fastest runner on her school track team.
But when Sadako was twelve years old, she noticed that her lymph nodes were becoming swollen. A doctor’s visit confirmed her parents’ greatest fears: Sadako had been contaminated with radiation poisoning from the atomic bomb. She was dying of leukemia.
Soon, Sadako was forced to enter the Hiroshima Red Cross hospital for treatment. She spent months there, her disease progressing day by day. In August 1955, residents of Nagoya sent a gift of colored origami paper cranes to Sadako and the other hospital residents as a get-well present. The gift brightened the sick child’s day – and it gave her an idea.
“She believed in a saying that if you fold a thousand cranes, you’d get over your sickness,” her mother wrote. “She folded paper cranes carefully, one by one using a piece of paper of advertisement, medicine and wrapping. Her eyes were shining while she was folding the cranes, showing she wanted to survive by all means.”
Though she was very weak, Sadako dedicated hours each day to folding cranes out of whatever materials she could scrounge together. “We warned her, ‘If you keep up that pace you’ll wear yourself out,’” her father, Shigeo Sasaki, recounted. “Sadako continued to fold, saying, ‘It’s okay, it’s okay. I have a plan,’ “
When she got to one thousand, she kept on going, hopeful that the paper birds might magically cure her illness. But it was not to be: Sadako died on the morning of October 25, 1955, surrounded by her family.
As for Sadako’s thousand paper cranes, her mother gave some of them to her school friends, “and put the rest of them in her coffin as well as flowers so that she could bring them to the next world.”
Although Sadako’s thousand paper cranes could not save her life, they would take flight in another way, serving as a symbol of the growing movement for peace on Earth.
The following year, an Austrian journalist, Robert Jungk, traveled to Hiroshima, where he heard the story of young Sadako and her one thousand cranes. He was so moved by the tale of her determination that he told a modified version of her story to the world in a book, Light in the Ruins. In the years since, variations of Sadako’s story have appeared in hundreds of other publications, most notably, a children’s book called Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, written in 1977 by American author Eleanor Coerr. The story has been used in peace education programs around the world.
Sadako’s short life has also inspired another sort of legacy: the Children’s Peace Monument in Hiroshima. After Sadako’s death, her classmates sought to honor their friend by creating “a monument to mourn all the children who died from the atomic bombing.” With support from more than 3,100 schools around the world, the students created a nine-meter high bronze statue, topped with a figure of a girl holding a folded crane. Beneath the pedestal, there is an inscription: “This is our cry. This is our prayer. For building peace in this world.”
Each year, children and adults from all over the world travel to the Children’s Peace Monument, bringing their own folded paper cranes as a gift to Sadako’s memory, and as a symbol of their desire for peace and for the abolition of nuclear weapons. In hundreds of other cities around the world, from Kuwait City to Santa Barbara, California, children have become involved in projects to create paper cranes as symbols of peace, honoring Sadako’s legacy.
Though she could not save her own life with one thousand cranes, her story may yet save millions.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Just for a fun

This is addictive. Watch out :-)

No.10 Summer Reading : Englishnization

Why do I need to learn English? Why do I need to use it? Rakuten's president, Mikitani says, "Why do you make lots of excuses before you try?"

We tend to make excuses. This is called defense mechanism. We do so to avoid  traumatic damage to our hearts. But avoiding troubles and fears solve problems? How would you overcome your fears and troubles?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

No.9 Summer Reading :True voice of Olympians

Take 30 min to liten to the true voice of Olympians. What can we learn from them? Is winning all the time only your goal? What is "successful" or "winner" to you? How did those true voices make you feel?

Friday, August 3, 2012

No.8 Summer reading:Poignant trip for Truman grandson

Perhaps this is how the history especially some poignant parts of it can transform into something meaningful for humanity. I truly hope everyone can feel the value of this visit. History has been recorded to pass generations of wisdom to inspire and also mistakes to avoid in my opinion. It is not about memorizing years and names. I would study history more. Are you interested in history? Why? Why not?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

No.7 summer Reading: Momo he no Tegami

Hi all,

I wanted to watch this movie because of the title. ( as you know the reason) This is very personal review of the movie and also a personal view about Japanese Anime. Japanese Anime got some brilliant reputation and there are millions of fans of it all over the world. It has a great potential to become a leading industry for Japan like Hollywood movies.  I am not a big fan of Anime but I do like Totoro :-) I hope some brilliant anime will be sub-titled and introduced to the world. How about you? Are you a Anime fan? If so, why do you like Anime?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer Reading No.5 : Dark Night Rises

Here is a movie you might want to watch and introduce it to your classmates. It might be a great presentation if you can.

Happy Reading!

Monday, July 30, 2012

No.4 Summer Reading: Be a winner in the defeat

To me, having ideas of how you lose and what you do next from the experience is as valuable as  getting the gold medal or winning in a competition. In other words, regardless of the result, the learning opportunity is in your hand.  In fact, you may lose more in life in the general term of triumph. If you don't take them as blessings in disguise, you get only disappointing and other negative emotions. And in your whole life, you may try to avoid making errors or defeats. What will you get from such a life?
Security? Is it possible to avoid errors and defeats? I keep on repeating myself because I often need to realize this as well. We lose a lot but the good news is we can learn from defeats and errors a lot as well. How will we do that? By facing the defeat and analyze the causes and work on it/ them. Instead of fearing defeats, welcoming and overcoming them as learning opportunities seem like a feasible and meaningful approach to life. What do you think?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Always Love

Hello.I'm Ryota.

This band is Nada Surf.
Song title is Always Love.

I think lyrics is good!

This band covering "All Need Is Love" in The Beatles.
It's covering is very good.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Lake Story 3

Hi all,
Have you been keeping up with the lake story?

Here is part 3!

1 Read the story below.

2 Answer answers of these quiz on your notebook.

No need to write answers of quizlet. Enjoy the games!

Happy reading and learning!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Offspring

Hello. I'm Ryota.

This song is my favorite song.
Of course, They are popular artists.
Of course, I like The Offspring.

I recomend Album name is "Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace" in The Offspring.
This Album is good.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The lake Story 2

Hi all, here is the second summer reading. The procedure is the same :-)

1 Print out and read the story below.

2 Do this comprehension & grammar quiz and write the answers on your notebook.

Happy reading and learning!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quote in Alice in Wonderland

Oh, I love Alice in Wonderland. Don't you? There are full of words of wisdom I think. The best thing is that there is no right or wrong interpretation for such quotes. You take as you wish!

Perhaps we can share our interpretation of one of those quotes. It might be a fun activity!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rey Charles

I`m ryo big.

I`m interested in this artist and song.

His name is Rey Charles.
It is very famous artist in the world.
He was lost his eyesight.
I`m very surprised .

and this song [elley my love]is sang japanese famous artists
[southen all stars]before.

Line is very cool.

A book to read today.

This kind of book will revive the love of reading in me again. Today, I need this book.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Reading: The Lake Story 1

Hi all, please follow the instruction and do all the activities.

1 Print out this story and read it.

2 Do this quizlet.

3 Do all 3  grammar activities and write the answers on your notebook.

We will share the answers during the summer intensive course :-)

Happy reading and learning!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Do you have a good decision-making skill?

An interesting article about the relationship between language-learning and decision-making.

It is a beautiful sunny day today. Hope all of you have a good day!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cramming for tests

Our environmentally rich country, Japan has more than four seasons. Rainy reason can be added to Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Those reasons with different characteristic enrich our lives. But there are also some reasons that are unpleasant, which is the seasons for tests.

Generally, we have three terms in an academic year, starting from April. In the freshman year in any educational institute, the new comers enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms and fun golden week, that has 4 national holidays in the week from the end of April to beginning of May. Students enjoy the holiday with their new mates and family. Then after that, the reality hits them with middle term test. I used to think, "How cruel this is!" Because the fear for the test often spoil the excitements and pleasures  on holiday.  Unfortunately, the bigger and scarier term-end test comes before Summer vacation. In the midst of summer holiday planning, students cram all the numbers and words in their head and by the time the holiday begins, they forget everything they crammed. That is, I call, a season of sighs.

As you sigh so much on endless pages of textbooks, have you ever wondered if  cramming really effective strategy? Well, I won't say to learn but even to get good grades. I certainly think cramming has some advantages but here is something to consider.

Wouldn't that be nice if you get good grades while you actually learn something?

 If this question doesn't make any sense to you, you are one of rare and fortunate case. Congrats! Please carry on whatever you do. But those who understand what I am saying, take a few mins to think about this question. For the test you have been cramming right now, you might have to carry on but for the next one. Cramming is NOT the only way to digest information you get at school.

Good luck on your test! And imagine all the fun staff you can do during Summer when you need to escape from the season of sign for a while. Good news is you are not alone and it can be the last time you have to get intimidatingly huge amount of information into your head within 24 hours.

The Coffee Addiction.

Do you like coffee?
I love coffee, so everday I drink it.  I thought coffee is familiar drink and I can get easily.
But  I watched this video and I knew that coffee  is spent long time until we can drink.

If you watch this video, from now on, you don't drink it quickly  and  you need to taste it.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Art of living

Yesterday, one of teachers I know told me about what one of his students said when the student was encouraged to talk about his dream. "I have no idea what I want to do in the future. I have no dreams and no idea why I live. What do I live for?"

Does that sound familiar to you? Have you ever had experience this kind of puzzling feeling? Have you ever felt you are useless loser? Then, welcome to the Teenage Blues Club :-)

I was one of you, a teenager who has no glorifying dream or ambition. I was terrified by the unknown world of grown-ups with heaps of potential dangers and difficulties. Something called social pressure to be better, bigger, wiser human-being came down on my shoulders all of sudden as soon as I became old enough to choose which path I would take; University or Work. Teachers, parents and even my friends suddenly started talking about "reality" which sounded just awfully painful and deadly boring to me then. I had to shift my mind from "dream" to "reality". "I even haven't found my dream, yet" I thought. The sudden shift from "Dream big" to "Be realistic" was confusing to a simple minded girl who I used to be.

"Your life purpose" ? Have I found it ? Have I become a wiser grown-up after all those years?
The answer is no. I still have no idea. But I don't think it matters so much now. I truly enjoy what I do. I appreciate people around me. I certainly got some reasons to live for.

Listen to this great storyteller about the art of living. Sometimes, it is a good idea to take time to listen to stories. Because you might find a story among stories to share with your family or friends. And to me, that is worth living :-)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nigel Barley:Anthropologist and Writer

When I was a undergraduate student, I took Anthropology class out of pure curiosity to know what it is. Anthropology sounded exotic to me. And I instantly I fell in love with the idea of "fieldwork" going into uncivilized culture and live among the natives while you investigate their culture. I daydreamed about myself being in a deep jungle, hunting strange looking creatures and sometimes being on the top of a mountain which is not even on the map yet. Well, just dreaming about such a research project is pleasant. I am not sure if I can tolerate with such environment without any civilization since I am a city girl with a few camping experiences. In fact, it will be absolutely unrealistic if I go somewhere like that without any serious preparation. But going there in my head is just fun and extremely safe unless I go out to town with the dreamy mindset.

This dude is a real anthropologist and I found his stories fascinating! I happened to have an opportunity
to deal with a bit of Ethnography as a means of research. I actually have almost no idea except a shallow understanding of the approach but I really love to see myself going "Ummm...very interesting." in a pensive facial expression like most of stereotypical researchers would say. I must admit that my mind is polluted by way too many cliche images. But it is still cool to say "Ummm...very interesting..."
Of course, the genuine anthropologists or scholars don't say that without knowing what exactly interesting about. Don't they?

Thanks to James Newton, one of my mentor / uncle/ mate/ study companion for introducing me to Nigel Barley.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lonesome George

He was the last Pinta giant tortoise on this planet. It is a heartbreaking news yet good opportunity for us to consider the consequences of losing rare subspecies or species.
Here is one of the article for the topic.

Something to think about for your future. It is relevant to us all.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)

Hello.I am Ryota.

This song is very good song .

But, I don't know about this artist's another songs...

Please tell me another popular song of this artist!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chinese advanced technique

Hello, I'm Tadashi.

I'd like to introduce this video.
Builders in China completed 30-story prefabricated hotel in just 15 days.
It takes around two years when it becomes the construction of this scale in Japan.

Do you want to stay at this hotel ?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Online classroom.

I do not think a school is a place to solely learn certain subjects. It is a place for develop social skills and
build life-long friendship with schoolmates. So, I do not deny the importance of having schools, however, acquiring much specific field in higher education, online classroom can be appropriate. Nowadays, we can interact each other online and discuss various topics without going anywhere. It can be time-effective and cost-effective as well since it takes only a few educator to design the class for millions of students from all over the world. Of course, there will be heaps of obstacles to face such as time-difference, culture-difference and learning-style difference among students. However, if the course is designed as flexible and open as possible, the outcome will be awesome.

I took corresponding course to earn my BA in English literature. It was a great program to enroll for a busy mum like myself. But I did miss discussion on certain subjects and found challenging to maintain my motivation without anyone to talk with. So, I took many actual classes at school in spite of the cost and the crazy schedule to deal with. With the advance of technology, I do not have to feel isolated on a long-distance Master's course I currently take. On our request, the tutor sets up discussion meeting on Skype regularly. I also previously took a online course for Digital storytelling for young learners. The course actually turn the digital-illiterate to a digital tool user.  So, I currently take a online course for  Educational Blogging for young learners with many teachers from all over the world and it is one of the reasons I set up this blog.

On well-considered and well-organised online course, more people can be benefited from leading scholars, artists and enterprisers from all over the world. After learning certain social skills and foundation of  various subjects, online classrooms can be a mainstream for next generation.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

record dreams

I'd like to introduce this article.

To record your dream, its mean,  your dream is known to somebody.
Is it good for you?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My favorite song is "alone again"

Hello.I`m Ryo.
I like this song.
This song singer name is "Gilbert O'Sullivan".

It is very old song.
and,line is very nice.

so,It`s very cool!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Shocking racism at a football match.

Please take a look at this article and video and think about this incident.


I supported the England and they won the game.
I want to see the Rooney soon.


This is the 3rd week on Educational Blogging for young learners course. So far I have done as follows:

  • Setting up new blog to share with my students as well as some guest writers.
  • Edited layout and basic settings of the blog
  • Invited writers for this blog.
  • Added some gadgets to the blog.
  • Posted several contents.
  • Discovered some interesting sites and added the URL to the blog.
  • Left comments on other's blogs.

I'm quite familiar with Blogger and for me it was not so challenging to post something. But I realized posting on Blogger is not so easy if you don't have Google account. It is a good chance to open Google account and start blogging, though.

I hope to see more posts and enjoy blogging together :-)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Can Talk

I'm Rida Ryota.

This is my Favorite song.

You will surprised to this video!

Please watch it.

Can you imagine having a place like this?

This is saturday morning and I am still in a dreamy mood. My dream today is to have a place like this in our community where residents, teachers, parents get together and build a school for children by sharing skills, time and bit of money. It may sound unrealistic and crazy but that's what a dream should be. And like this dude says, a wish may come true.

Happy weekend for all the dreamers!

Friday, June 15, 2012


My favorite the American idol, Phillip Phillips sings "Home". This song reminds me of one of the reasons I set up Sunny-field English in 1999.  As I have become a mum, I realized how important for everyone to have a place, called "Home". I wanted to built home where you can always come back and take a rest from the heck tick crazy world we live in.

It has been 13 years passed by and I have been having amazingly inspiring and educational experiences because of the bunch of wonderfully unique individuals. Things I have learned from those young learners via teaching English are priceless and their presence in my life motivates me to be a little better person. I have realized that I can never promise to facilitate "Home" for anyone but surely all the young learners I have met in the last 13 years have made the classroom home for me.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finnish schools rock!

In the last class, I asked why most of students in class were quiet without asking any questions at all. These are the answers: "Because I feel sleepy." "Because I am shy." "Because other students would be angry with me if I ask questions. so, I will ask questions to the teacher after the class."

These are only some opinions and there might be hundreds more reasons, however, their comments give me a starting point to investigate the absolute passiveness in students in some of Japanese schools.
Such attitudes can be identified in way too many classrooms and I suspect that is the main culprit for the decline in academic standards which educators moan about.

Now it is time to ask educators including myself;
What makes you sleepy? Simply the lack of sleep? But would you feel sleepy when you do something exciting or fun, regardless of the depth or length of your sleep? Why does this student feel shy in class? Simply he is self-conscious? Would he feel so shy with his family? How about with his friends? Why would other students get angry at this student if she asks questions? Who facilitates such unfair setting?
And what if we try to learn from the successful school system? What are the differences between the system and our system? Would that be nice if we can facilitate a space where learner's autonomy is respected and everyone shares the fruit of it?

I would love to see such a change at schools in my own country without relying heavily on tests to force students to work hard.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What if nobody believes you?

The breaking news above is really heartbreaking one. Can you imagine to be accused of killing your own baby? 30 years of agony? This is really beyond my comprehension how awful that all the years must have been. 

Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton, a mum was convicted of her baby's murder. What a nightmare! First of all, she lost her baby. Can you imagine going on a camp with your family, having a great time and falling asleep at night peacefully then in the morning you find that your baby vanishes from the camp site? Oh, dear. It must have been awfully devastating experience. On top of that, nobody believes her claim and she was blamed for the tragedy. I have no idea how can she possibly survive in such a outrageous circumstance. This mum must be very wise and strong woman. She even got strength to smile and leave a uplifting comment to the media after the triumph.

The long painful years she has lost  won't come back yet I sincerely hope she will have a loving and peaceful time now. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Time to tell a story

When I was little, the bed time was the most exciting time for it was time for a story. My mum read a story or two from our library of picture books. She was busy, looking after a big family- my grandparents, my aunt, uncles and even cousins. Only at night, after finishing her daily mission, she got time to sit next to me and she opened the door to the land of full of adventures and excitements.
After going though the same amazing experience as a mum - sharing the numbers of wonderful bedtime stories with my own baby, I have become a big fan of stories and started to suspect that everyone has a story or two to tell. Any stories, from the world news to your daily life, can be as interesting as the good old bedtime story from the beloved library.

Some days, stories come to you unexpectedly without any efforts at all but most of the days, you might have to go and fish some. These are  places you may find some intriguing stories:

And also please keep this in mind: every single ordinary day has a fascinating potential to be a great story to share with others. Let's make this blog a place to share such stories.

“If you are a dreamer,come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer. If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!” 

                                                                                                                                        Shel Silverstein