Sunny-field's Book shelf

Sunny-field's Book shelf
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nigel Barley:Anthropologist and Writer

When I was a undergraduate student, I took Anthropology class out of pure curiosity to know what it is. Anthropology sounded exotic to me. And I instantly I fell in love with the idea of "fieldwork" going into uncivilized culture and live among the natives while you investigate their culture. I daydreamed about myself being in a deep jungle, hunting strange looking creatures and sometimes being on the top of a mountain which is not even on the map yet. Well, just dreaming about such a research project is pleasant. I am not sure if I can tolerate with such environment without any civilization since I am a city girl with a few camping experiences. In fact, it will be absolutely unrealistic if I go somewhere like that without any serious preparation. But going there in my head is just fun and extremely safe unless I go out to town with the dreamy mindset.

This dude is a real anthropologist and I found his stories fascinating! I happened to have an opportunity
to deal with a bit of Ethnography as a means of research. I actually have almost no idea except a shallow understanding of the approach but I really love to see myself going "Ummm...very interesting." in a pensive facial expression like most of stereotypical researchers would say. I must admit that my mind is polluted by way too many cliche images. But it is still cool to say "Ummm...very interesting..."
Of course, the genuine anthropologists or scholars don't say that without knowing what exactly interesting about. Don't they?

Thanks to James Newton, one of my mentor / uncle/ mate/ study companion for introducing me to Nigel Barley.

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